I'll be leading this week's case discussion on loss of consciousness (from the @twitfrg account). I thought I'd just outline the structure I'm planning to follow so we can get the most out of the discussion. This week's notes cover the basics of initial assessment. I've kept them brief as there are so many routes to go down, but figured you can look things up as appropriate for areas where you feel you need to. For the case, you may want to look at management of seizures. Maybe.
DOCTORS - I will ask for your input at appropriate points so you can contribute too, should you wish to!
And remember, ANYONE is welcome to join in!
LOC case
- Presenting complaint and initial assessment - tweet what you would do first to stabilise patient
- History & other clues
- Causes of this episode
- Examination
- Impression and investigations
- Clinical decision making - I'll tweet questions for consideration
- SJT-style questions - I thought we could end with a couple of ethical questions in an SJT style if we get time (and if I can think of some!)